Americans are more stressed than they have ever been. In fact, recent studies show stress levels across all segments of American society are up over the past 10 years.

While the reasons people feel stressed are as varied as the people themselves, there are some common stress reduction techniques that most people will respond to. If you are looking for ways to relieve stress, experts agree that the following behaviors can help:

  1. Wake up earlier. Most experts will tell you that getting up earlier and getting things done before everyone else in your home or office is up and about allows you to be more productive, less distracted and, therefore, less stressed.
  2. Eat right. When you feel rushed and overwhelmed, grabbing a quick meal at a drive-thru seems like the easiest option but you can count on that backfiring. Not only will you feel worse after eating this type of food, it will lead to weight gain. Instead try to consume healthier foods, especially those with omega-3 fatty acids, which many believe can help with stress management.
  3. Get moving. We all know there are physical benefits to working out but there are psychological benefits, as well. You may want to consider engaging in the martial arts. Kung Fu, for example, can help train your body and your mind. It also allows you to practice mindfulness which is invaluable when it comes to stress release.
  4. Unplug. In most jobs it is impossible not to be on the computer or smartphone but try to unplug whenever possible. Further, don’t check emails constantly as studies have shown that people who checked their emails only a few times a day were less stressed than those who check it much more frequently.
  5. Become a people person. It is easy in today’s world to feel isolated. Make sure you spend time in the presence of people instead of just texting or engaging with them on social media. Spending time relaxing with friends and families will go a long way toward reducing stress.
  6. Turn in earlier. Just as getting up earlier helps to reduce stress, so does going to earlier. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed as well as any screen time. If you get a good night’s sleep, chances are great that – just like your mother always told you – things will look better in the morning.