Christmas is right around the corner and if you are like most people, you are scrambling to find the perfect gifts for your family and friends. If your Christmas list includes someone who is interested in the martial arts, you may be wondering what to get this person. If you don’t feel like you know […]

Adrenaline can be a great resource when it comes protecting yourself from harm or martial arts sparring. After all, we’ve all heard the expression, “I was running on adrenaline,” when it came to pushing yourself to the limit and triumphing in adverse circumstances. While a healthy dose of adrenaline can be a good thing, there […]

The martial arts are thousands of years old but are as relevant today as ever. And while the martial arts enjoy a long history they are by no means stagnant. Every day new trends are popping up in the centuries-old martial arts. Wondering what is going on today? Read on to learn about just some […]

Many seniors are interested in the practice of Kung Fu but shy away from it because they feel they are too old. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is Kung Fu available to seniors, the health and mental benefits make it the perfect choice for older adults. Kung Fu can be performed […]

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics will include a variety of martial arts, including Karate, Taekwondo and Judo. In the world of martial arts, this is a mixed blessing. While some may lament the inclusion of martial arts as a watering down-or commercialization-of these disciplines, there are advantages, as well. One of the biggest advantages is the […]