The martial arts are thousands of years old but are as relevant today as ever. And while the martial arts enjoy a long history they are by no means stagnant.

Every day new trends are popping up in the centuries-old martial arts. Wondering what is going on today? Read on to learn about just some of the hottest trends.

Many martial artists are using a variety of fitness techniques to aid in their training. As long as it does not interfere with their martial arts training, there is no harm. Running, weight training and yoga are some of the supplemental activities that students of the martial arts are using to enhance their martial arts training. Questions concerning the safety or appropriateness of such supplemental activities should always be directed to your trainer.

Galactic Classes
Lightsaber training is actually a thing! Not all martial arts studios offer such training and those that do vary in how it is taught. The Stars Wars movie franchise has inspired these classes which are a fun way to mix things up a bit. Some studios have their own custom-made lightsabers while other use martial arts equipment such as kendo sticks or bo staffs. Most of these classes involve a mix of fencing and traditional martial arts and are popular with Star Wars fans of all ages and abilities.

Martial Arts Classes for the Mature Beginner
Beginning martial arts classes aren’t just for the kids. Today, people in their 40s and beyond are picking up Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo and other martial arts practices. Martial arts experts say beginning classes for adults and senior citizens are some of their most popular offerings.

Self-Defense Training
The world is becoming a scarier place and martial arts is a great way to help people of all ages and abilities feel more confident in their ability to protect themselves. These type of classes are a great way to get people who might not otherwise consider the martial arts in the door. Once inside, people realize how much the martial arts has to offer.

Yes, There’s an App for That!
Everything is going digital these days and the martial arts are no different. You can build your own workout, watch videos on the latest moves or even FaceTime with your instructor. While nothing will replace working out in the gym, now you can stay connected when you are out of town or simply want to practice a new move in the privacy of your own home.